Every year for the past 30 some odd years, the fine folks of Dundalk gather and organize their annual celebration of culture and heritage, the Dundalk Heritage Fair. A tribute to America, America, ….and America, this fair truly encompasses the pride and admiration the hard working family folk of Dundalk have for their country. The […]
Tag: youtube
Canadairman, Axe Dry, Brilliant
Been seeing this Axe dry commercial on the telly lately, and while I normally wince at the blatant and clumsy grab at the 18-34 that Axe tends to go for, these commercials apparently are from Europe a few years ago so that automatically makes them not as stupid (#swpl). Enjoy!
Does Baltimore have its own wolfpacks?
Nerds, goths, jocks, punks, emo, and now …wolfpacks. Or furries in training? I’ll let you be the judge. via (jjthomas and lamebook)
Market Meltdown Hilarity
Due to America’s generalized penchant for wanton, evil greed and eventual financial worldwide crises, news today of Greece’s financial troubles some sort of ridiculous trading error in Proctor and Gable stock caused the stock market to launch into an unprecedented freefall and rebound – the likes of which the world has seldom seen. The upside […]
2010 Kinetic Sculpture Race finish line
May 1st marked a number of occasions in Baltimore: the first hotter than shit day of the year, International Worker’s Day, and the 10th annual Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race. I got to experience all three at once at the American Visionary Art Museum on Saturday, where I attended the finale of the race, watched a […]
Doin’ the Baltimore!
It may not be as well known as The Charleston, but hey at least Baltimore gets its own dance – and song! Check out this jaunty little number by Fred Rich and his orchestra with “The Baltimore” in 1928. FUNFACT: Fred Rich was the first music director for CBS radio in the late ’20s and […]