Gambling for booze!

Alright well not really – but this entry into a hacking competition by a NYC hacker gr0up for hacking could make ordering a drink a little more fun; it’s a decommissioned Japanese slot machine that takes tokens, the resulting combination of the spin determines your drink! Check out the full text at Popular Science.

‘STACHE OFF: Vote for Baltimore’s greatest moustache!

Movember is in full swing and the effort to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues is going strong! And Baltimore, being the lush and well cultured city that it is (Evan: laying it on thick here a bit) has had its share of epic moustaches in its history – but the question now […]

STFU, Parents

For those of us, so very many of us who are unendingly irritated by various friends and associates who insist on posting about their babies and children waaaay to much, there’s STFU, Parents – a tumblr consisting solely of irritatingly obnoxious parent updates on Facebook (with commentary!):

By the by, at least 75% of the baby names on this thing are ATROCIOUS