How the hell have I never heard of Pat the Bugler?

We’ve all hear about the Roar From 34 certainly, but I’ve lived on Earth for slightly less than 37 years and I’ve never heard of the man known as Pat the Bugler from the old Memorial Stadium days. This spot produced by Evening Magazine in ’82 tells the tale of a military bugler turned superfan […]

New Literal MS Paint: Thrift Shop

Hands down, Literal MS Paint is a top five favorite series/collection of ours on the Youtubes, taking popular hits from the current pantheon and drawing the lyrics in MS Paint, with a literal interpretation (duh). The newest addition, a take on soon to be Preakness Infield headliner Macklemore/Ryan Lewis inexplicably on the radio a lot Thrift […]

New Beach House video “Wishes” is weird wild stuff

Baltimore Based Indie group (are they still considered Indie) Beach House just dropped their new music video “Wishes,” directed by Eric Wareheim of Tim n’ Eric fame (who is also from Baltimore, cameo pictured above) – the video is about as surreal as expected, featuring competitive water squirting, sabre dancing, fire dancing and some more […]

A Forced Rivalry? part 2

When last we left the question about the whole “Baltimore versus Washington Sports” thing, I had what I thought was a shared opinion that the funny video in question expressing the idea that there’s some sort of rivalry brewing between the Washington Nationals and the Baltimore Orioles was mostly contrived for the sake of a […]