(from Monday) Prosecutors try to make their jobs easier; slightly craftier murderers continue to murder Upon first glance, this plan ‘serves to increase the rate of convictions’ but if they outright refuse to prosecute a murder simply because they’re too fucking incompetent to protect a single witness or get them to testify, then we truly […]
Author: Evan The Mayor
Hey Look, “Art”
Hey ladies, do you feel like as an artist you aren’t getting enough attention or validity with simple paintings or sculptures, or perhaps the occasional piss/shit vignette wrapped in bacon? Well, why not make art out of self-induced miscarriages then? Hmm? Why the hell not? You definitely have the constitutional right to do so! It […]
This (?) summer’s blockbuster you can’t WAIT to see. ps That dude’s tooth that shines? I invented that.
Weekend Update – Your Mom Still Very Fat
To Whom It May Concern, It has been some time, well over two fortnights, since our last correspondence. It is my hope that in this time your life has been eventful, full of personal and financial growth. However, it is with some regret that I inform you that your mother is, in fact, still fat. […]
Love My Ninjas But Where’s My Witches
See this? Yeah. It’s a little thing I like to call a prize. But like it says: where the f*ck is my trophy. Bobby tells me it’s ‘on the way’ and that it costs $75. It will be quite the spectacle. Also FREE ADVERTISING WOO
Credit Where Credit Is Due – This Dude Is Hilarious
I meant to post this a while ago, but a mutual friend of this website’s peoples and member of Wham City Justin turned me onto one of his fellow WC performer’s Youtube page, and it’s pretty much hysterically funny. The character featured in a lot of the videos, Blue Leader, has something of an underground […]