City That Chats – Kris Burnett

I recently conducted an interview with Kris Burnett, a Community Activist who is running for the Baltimore City Council in the eighth Councilmanic district. The audio is below. If you’d like to connect with Kris, he’s available on multiple forms of social media as he has a Facebook Page, a Twitter account. You can also connect […]

The City That Chats: Zeke Cohen

With 2016 around the corner, Dennis takes time to interview Zeke Cohen, a candidate for the 1st District of the Baltimore City Council. They talk Education, Civic Engagement, and Zeke’s ideas for Baltimore should he be elected. If you want to learn more about Zeke, he has a campaign website, a Facebook page, and can also be found […]

The City That Chats: Liam Davis

  The City That Chats returns Dennis to Southeast Baltimore where he speaks with Liam Davis, a local activist who currently works for Baltimore City Government. Liam gets extra props for trudging to the Hills of Hamilton to have this chat! You can learn about Liam by visiting his website, or on twitter at @voteliamdavis.

League of Women Voters Legislative Breakfast, Part I

The League of Women Voters of Baltimore City hosts an annual Legislative Breakfast where members of the Baltimore City Delegation of the General Assembly discuss their priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Here is part one of this year’s event. The recording features a few members of Baltimore’s delegation including Curt Anderson, Verna Jones-Rodwell, Keith […]

The City That Chats Episode 2: Cory McCray

The latest episode of The City That Chats takes me to the 45th district where I interview Mr. Cory McCray, a local community activist, small business owner and union leader. We take time to talk about his life story, his vision for Baltimore, and what he would do if he was elected to the House […]

The Cynic Interview With Dennis

As we at CTB expand our …expanded coverage for the future, DennisTheCynic branches out to interview local candidates for the area and surrounding regions. Here’s my first interview for the 2014 elections with Brooke Lierman, who is running for the House of Delegates in the 46th district. Check out her page at We cover […]