Dennis brings us this companion piece to this week’s podcast so you can be better informed. Enjoy! Last week, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and other members of Baltimore’s political class applauded a report released by George Mason University. The report – which analyzed six different cities including Baltimore – praised Baltimore’s financial resiliency, and dubbed the […]
Tag: stephanie rawlings blake
A Response to the Mayor’s 10 Year Plan
Dennis The Cynic delivers his previously promised analysis of our illustrious mayor’s 10 year plan, State of the City, and all that other good stuff as mentioned on our previous podcast. Consider it your weekend homework assignment, Baltimore! The document: The Mayor, Live: If the past few weeks has shown us anything it’s that Baltimore […]
Mayor to celebrate 110th anniversary of Great Baltimore Fire
Mayor to celebrate 110th anniversary of Great Baltimore Fire, begins with Firefighter cuts. City Hall, Baltimore – A jubilant Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Hologram announced that Baltimore will celebrate the 110th anniversary of the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904. The event, which is scheduled for February 7th and 8th, 2014 (and has the tentative name of […]
Opinion: Bottle Tax Won’t Fix Imagination Deficit
As Baltimore’s Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake delivers a preliminary budget for the city today, the focus seems to be on efficiency. Changes to the city’s health budget, cuts to the liquor board, “cloud computing” for city offices and a laundry list of other initiatives are being introduced in an effort to bolster Baltimore City’s year […]
Obligatory Stephanie Rawlings Blake Suggestion Post – Pt. 2
(part 1) More community gardens absolutely everywhere Remember those 30,000 vacant properties I mentioned earlier? Yeah they aren’t really helping the economy in Baltimore. But you know what would, while simultaneously raising morale/property values/a sense of community in the immediate area? Raze a few of them and convert the plots into community gardens. Obviously this […]
Obligatory Stephanie Rawlings Blake Suggestion Post – Pt. 1
My EX-girlfriend Sheila Dixon (we had a falling out over a time share) will no longer mayor in just over a week. My NEW girlfriend, Stephanie Rawlings Blake (or SRB, as she signs her emails) will be transitioning into office, and the time for a new-but-not-really-but-maybe-it-will be era of Baltimore progress is waiting in the […]