Oh look, it’s Baltimore radio DJ Glenn Beck

So there I was, drunkenly surfing Youtube for some Mr. Ray’s Hair weave commercials when I stumble upon a gem of gems, a commercial for B 104 and their morning show, during which they’re *really excited* about giving away $10,000 to one lucky birthday winner! Recognize the guy in the middle sporting the Orioles jacket? […]

SpaceManAndy’s Politically Potent Potables for Sober and Sad Sarah

Dear SpaceManAndy, I need booze to get me through the current political climate. Please suggest some cocktails. Thanks, Sober and Sad Sarah Dear Sober and Sad, No, thank YOU. You’ve given me a chance to combine 2 of my great loves: booze, and asserting my opinion on current events! It’s true, things are depressing right […]

My Picks for the worst ads in America 2011

Consumerist is running one of its most treasured annual routines until October 16th, the Worst Ads Awards, where readers get to vote for, well, the worst ads in America broken down by category (Creepiest, Worst, Most Annoying Performance By a Human, etc.). This year has had a slew of television ads worthy of scorn, some […]