Tree databases, trip recaps, a whole lot of pop culture gab and more dot the I’s and cross the T’s on this Meatspace edition of the CTB Show! JOIN OUR DISCORD OK THANKS
CTB Show 450: The McRib of Crabcake Sandwiches

Your source for Baltimore snark and other stuff, since 2008
Tree databases, trip recaps, a whole lot of pop culture gab and more dot the I’s and cross the T’s on this Meatspace edition of the CTB Show! JOIN OUR DISCORD OK THANKS
On this week’s incredibly belated show! Casey quiet quits! Bryan wins at poker! Evan is losing a foot! And a rich stringy stew of pop culture topics including Farmer Takes a Wife, Ghost Ship, and a few others. AWWWW YEAHHHH! JOIN OUR DISCORD IT IS A DELIGHT
Dr. Jennifer Caplan joins the show to discuss her new book “Funny, You Don’t Look Funny,” a comprehensive approach to Jewish humor focused on the relationship between humor and American Jewish practice. Expect a lot of references to Mel Brooks and plenty of chuckles! Also a brief discussion of Chris Rock’s performance in Baltimore is […]
10th anniversary recap, JURRRRYYYY DUUTYYYYYYY, Federal Hill Facebook Racismâ„¢, Paul T. Goldman and Mission Impossible comprise the majority of topics on this week’s episode of the CTB Show! Wow! JOIN OUR RESPECTABLE DISCORD
We did it! Ten years! Also an engagement happens on this episode! Wow! Listen now and rate/review this podcast! ps join our discord:
Megan Goetz (Instagram, Twitter) guests on this week’s show to discuss her upcoming show “Ghosted” at the Lou Room at Zissimo’s (February 24th! Be there! Tickets here) and her podcast “Real Chills” which features stand up comics’ spoooooky stories about ghosts, aliens and more. It’s a great time! Also the Superbowl is discussed. Speaking of […]