It’s July 1st. The Podgang talks about weed, weed based movies (and other movies), tastes a new beer on the market, and more! Join our Discord, it’s very fun!
CTB Show 462: The Weed Episode.

Your source for Baltimore snark and other stuff, since 2008
It’s July 1st. The Podgang talks about weed, weed based movies (and other movies), tastes a new beer on the market, and more! Join our Discord, it’s very fun!
On this week’s show: kids be exhausting, not very good local improv, local signage OUTRAGE, and a lightning round of Hot James Cameron Chat. Oh and Ghostbusters. Join our Discord, it’s very fun!
Awkward Juneteenth moments, Submarine Shenanigans, the Mayor has a Movie, and a whole ton of nerd stuff on this episode!! Including: The Flash, Batman 89, Secret Invasion, and more! Join our Discord, it’s very fun!
On this week’s show! HONFest aftermath, taste tests galore, the ins and outs of Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg, Donald Trump and several scintillating pop culture topics. Join our Discord, it’s very fun!
Baltimore Lauren (, “Collecting Fandom”) joins the show to talk about collecting! Collections, collectibles and the general amassing of all things nerdery – mostly Archie and Star Trek. Also a very important taste test featuring two new Dorito flavors. WOW! Join our Discord, it’s very fun!
On this week’s show! Landis Expandis is under the weather, another “How to Baltimore” article drops, Quantumania, and Tears of the Kingdom! That’s about it! Join our Discord, it’s very fun!