The Podgang kicks off with another Doritos centric taste test, then a discussion of some Hot Goss in Baltimore. Essentially the rest of the episode is pop culture centric including The Neverending Story, The Flash, Freddy vs. Jason, Jimmy Buffet’s passing and more!!! Join our Discord! (
Tag: podcast
CTB Show 468: 70% Elite Wrestling
On this episode of the CTB Show! A big fat Well It’s Been featuring San Francisco, Casey’s last month of life, and Bryan starts his new job. Then, on the pop culture roundup, Heart of Stone is discussed for some reason as is Ahsoka. Wow! Join our Discord! (
CTB Show 467: Joe Giordano, 13-23
Joe Giordano stops by to discuss his upcoming book “13-23” (49 minute mark, BUY THE BOOK HERE)! The book contains essays and photos about the activism occurring in Baltimore to combat violence. Prior to that a trip to Scotland is dicussed, Bryan is going to be a teacher, and a weird Dorito taste test. Also […]
CTB Show 466: Taylor Stewart!
WBFF reporter Taylor Stewart drops by! (apologies for the audio issues during the interview :/) she discusses being new in town and what drives her to report in little ol’ Baltimore Land. That’s about it! It’s a great time! Join our Discord! (
CTB Show 465: My Old Leather Baby
MEN LIVING IN SQUALOR! MORE BALTIMORE HOT GOSS! BARBENHEIMER! And so so much more on this week’s ‘sode. Give it a listen, join our Discord (, so forth and so on.
CTB Show 464: An Ensemble Cast of A**holes
Baltimore Lauren joins the show again! We’re two weeks in to recreational weed being legal in Maryland so the Podgang checks in on that. A taste test from Ocean City NJ, and Well It’s Been features a vintage VHS collection and Orioles Magic sweeping the city lately. Speaking of Baltimore, the mayor is having a […]