Nachoquest: Wiley Gunter’s

Nachos with chili, $9

I’ve been at this whole Nachoquest thing for like, three years. There isn’t a single restaurant or bar that I head into in which I don’t look at the menu and think “How are the nachos?,” which is unfortunate when you’re at a place like Prime Rib and they ask you to leave upon asking such a thing of the server. It’s an unfortunate circumstance of being obsessed with nachos. But I digress. Faced with the recent turnover of Sly Fox Pub to Wiley Gunter’s (823 E Fort Ave, Riverside) the area Redskins bar, I figured some changes to the menu probably occurred somewhere somehow, but the answer is “Pretty much no” and here we have some nachos with chili. I’m going to make this quick and as painless as possible, like ripping a bandaid off.

  • As you can tell from the photo, these nachos aren’t exactly fully loaded. At least 1/4 naked chips, which is sacrilege.
  • The cheese isn’t melted. Sacrilege.
  • Very little else along the lines of toppings other than a smattering of cheese and salsa, Sacrilege.
  • The chili is actually pretty good and there was plenty of it, Pious.
  • The chips are crispy and unsalted, Pious.
  • Guac and sour cream no extra charge. Pious.
  • $9 for chili but $11 for chicken nachos, would you be happy paying that much for these nachos? SACRILEGE.


So look, if you’re incredible hard up for nachos and you’re stranded in front of Wiley Gunter’s with broken legs and no other means of transportation to someplace with say, PULLED PORK NACHOS OMG that happens to be less than 50 yards away, then by all means get the nachos. Otherwise I give them a pass.

Two golden nachos out of five

7 thoughts on “Nachoquest: Wiley Gunter’s

  1. Redskins bar. Ha.

    Three year quest? Can you share a Top 3 of all-time, or have none qualified?

    Years ago, over too many beers and / or nachos at PJ’s Pub, a group of us dreamed up “12 Hours of ‘Cho”, complete with souvenir t-shirts, when we’d pick a 2pm to 2am timeslot to go bar to bar, eating only nachos and drinking only beer.

    Of course, it never happened. But it still could.

  2. Best Nachos I’ve had around here are from Don’t Know…. Melted Cheese and Shredded cheese blend = win.

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