Time to see what those wacky folks running this city are up to, here are some highlights from the upcoming city council agenda.
Confiscated Assets for Neighborhoods
FOR the purpose of establishing a grant program to fund community-based safety
initiatives; providing for the funding of the program and the allocation of those
funds; directing the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice to administer the program
and to adopt rules and regulation further defining program elements; providing for
a special effective date; and generally relating to the Confiscated Assets for
Neighborhoods Grant Program.
Essentially, the Justice Department would be taking confiscated assets from criminals and giving the money ‘back’ to the community in the form of grants. Pretty good idea so long as it actually goes to the neighborhoods being affected by said criminals.
Trans Fats – Exemption for Retail Bakeries
FOR the purpose of exempting certain bakeries from the provisions governing food
containing trans fat; conforming certain language; providing for a special effective
date; and generally relating to the regulation of food containing trans fat.
Well well well, James Kraft sponsors an amendment to allow ‘certain’ bakeries to continue cooking with margarine. I guess he realized that his favorite crullers were in danger and/or got an ear full from some bakery owning friends of his. I still love you James.
Program Request – RPP “Lite” Program
FOR the purpose of requesting the Baltimore City Parking Authority to create and
promote an RPP “Lite” program, where the restrictions would be for no more than
one day of the week, and for no more than eight hours, and requesting that
representatives from the Parking Authority inform the Baltimore City Council at a
public hearing as to any issues involved in creating and promoting such a program.
I don’t really ‘get’ what this means, and cannot find more information. If it involves loosening some of the restrictions on parking around the city, then it’s both good and horrible. Guess I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled on it.
In Celebration of Bike to Work Week – May 12-16, 2008
FOR the purpose of declaring May 12-16, 2008, Bike to Work Week in the City of
Baltimore and showing support for the Baltimore Metropolitan Council sponsored
Bike to Work Day 2008, which will be celebrated in the Baltimore region and
across the nation on May 16, 2008.
Welp, I ride my bike to work so I like it. Even though it’s kind of pointless.