CTB podcast Episode Two: “The High Days of Lynyrd Skynyrd”

In this week’s episode, the gang talks about the state of Florida and adventures in Jacksonville and St. Augustine, complaining about a lack of booze in grocery stores and smoking in bars back her in Baltimore. Everyone’s favorite Shout Outs are delivered and DennisTheCynic goes over the latest in Baltimore City issues as they relate […]

CTB Podcast Episode One: “I Bought Fifty Mexican Wrestling Masks”

The very first “Official” episode of the podcast drops at long last with Dennis and Evan venting about more and more taxes, Shankman talks about Lithuanian Hall dance parties and special guest Carne Cabeza drops in to talk about what it’s like to be a local sports mascot. (Now on Stitcher!) SUPPORT THE SHOW!

CTB Podcast Episode Zero: “Peacocking”

In the final pre “official” podcast episode, @dennisthecynic and @evanthemayor discuss crime in Baltimore, bottle and bag taxes, and new regulations on valet parking. Shoutouts are delivered, then @bryanlevy reminisces about Boy Meets World and some other 90s pop goodness. Finally @andyshankman debuts the new segment “Dispatches from the Hipster World.”

CTB Podcast Episode Negative One: “SRB and J Huds”

The gang finally has enough microphones to all talk at once this go round, for better or worse, and discusses everything under the sun including this week’s comment contest winner, the Downtown Hilton, porn in Mount Vernon, Baltimore Spectator (#spectatorspectacular !) and debuts the new Shoutouts feature. After a quick break they’re back to to discussing the ins and out of Dennis Rodman, Celebrity Apprentice, Ms. Teen Delaware and oh so much more.

CTB Podcast Episode Negative Two: “Anthony Anderdwards”

Episode negative two debuts with a continuation of EvanTheMayor and DennisTheCynic’s conversation about mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s ten year plan for the city of Baltimore, with sexy results! Then some quibbles with the hit Netflix show House of Cards and a discussion of rebooting the 90s show Roc. Then @bryanlevy slides onto the mic and begins a wildly tangented-tial conversation about the Oscars, C.H.U.D.s, comic book boycotts, confusion about Anthony Edwards, some more stuff, and finally the death of Kegasus.

CTB Podcast Episode Negative Three: “We Have No Format Here, Folks”

And so the time has finally come when The City That Breeds sprouts a little media dong and forays into the vastly overpopulated Podcasting Universe, with episode negative three (it’ll be a while until we come to any kind of cohesive or well produced show format) entitled “We Have No Format Here, Folks.” EvanTheMayor and […]