OH MY FUCKING GOD, SpaceManAndy…. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH My stress levels have reached critical mass. Lots of changes at work and home have left me feeling on edge, irritated, and just overwhelmed! Can you please help me calm the fuck down?! Thanks, OMG THE SKY IS FALLING in Arlington Dude, you’re freaking me out over here. I, […]
Category: Advice
SpaceManAndy’s Advice for The Awkward New Kid at Work
Dear SpaceManAndy, How do you get around awkwardness with coworkers when you’re in a new workplace? I mean, I walk past people and don’t acknowledge them when they acknowledge me, and vice versa. Someone might ask me how it’s going that I’ve never met before, I respond with one word answers, and then forget to […]
SpaceManAndy’s Rapidfire Advice!
Hi everybody! It’s time for another lightning round of advice. Earlier today I put the message out on Facebook and Twitter looking for any and all of your questions. I’ve answered them below. And remember, you can always send me your questions to advice@citythatbreeds.com or direct them to my twitter, @SpaceManAndy. Enjoy! @BruceChalupa: What is your […]
SpaceManAndy’s Advice for Stuck in Squaresville
Dear SpaceManAndy, I’ve become really lame. I want to blame my job, having to be up before 7 everyday but I feel like it’s other things too. I’m fresh out of college (where I was in a sorority and had fun all the time), and I live in downtown Baltimore so this should be my […]
SpaceManAndy’s Advice for Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am, but I’m not interested in a relationship right now. I’m very sorry.
Dear SpaceManAndy, My girlfriend of 4 years and I recently broke up. I’m ready to start fulfilling my… ahem… needs again, but not for another relationship. This wouldn’t be a difficult thing to do, except, I am a nice guy to a fault. I’m in college, so I’ve been in the position where that was […]
SpaceManAndy’s Advice for Everyone
Why help just one person at a time? Today I’m answering any and every question that comes to me! ADVICE FOR EVERYONE! Aw, who am I kidding? I wanted to write something and didn’t have a decent question in the queue. So, I decided I would take questions at random from whomever wanted questions answered. […]