OH BOY! A NEW ZIGGY GETS IT WRONG! Here are the episodes covered this time! Watch Quantum Leap for FREEZIES at nbc.com or somewhere else should they decide to move it somewhere other than nbc.com.
Black on White on Fire: August 11, 1965 Season 3, Episode 7
Sam solves racism yet again (but not really at all) as he leaps into a black med student in the midst of the Watts Rebellion. All sorts of Boomerish, Pollyanna color blind hot takes are afoot as Sam et al ask the question “Can’t We All Just Get Along?™”
Leapy Inventions: None
Ziggy Gets It: Right? Another moving goal post episode.
Shirtless Sam Watch: IMMEDIATELY YES
The Great Spontini: May 9, 1974 Season 3, Episode 8
Sam leaps into a 2nd or probably 3rd rate magician who has a plucky daughter and an ex with a mean ol’ lawyer boyfriend that tries to use the MAGIC OF LAWS to keep them apart! Will Sam be able to defeat this wizard of legal issues and patch things up there with the ladydaughter and wifey? Probably!
Leapy Inventions: None
Ziggy Gets It: Ziggy does not even make a prediction and Al slaps Ziggy around so much that Sam does poorly in court
Shirtless Sam Watch: Sorry, no Shirtless Sam