Get to the National Pinball Museum while the gettin’s good

Unfortunate news came down the pipeline this past week that the beloved-by-most National Pinball Museum (608 Water St, Downtown), which has had a right difficult time finding a permanent home, is closing its doors once again on March 3rd. The time tested disagreements with landlords over lease terms has choked out the museum’s ability to go forward and so their ubernostalgic collection of flippery goodness will be forced to relocate a third time in two years. It would be a great shame if Baltimore were to lose this extremely entertaining piece of culture, as anyone with a pulse (but probably over the age of 25) remembers the thrills, chills and utter frustrations of playing a good ole game of pinball whence a child, and for $15 the museum offers two hours of unlimited play of their two floors of collections, with rotating special featured games and classic games from every era of pinball. FUN FACT: Pinball originated as a billiards-style table game designed for French nobility in the late 1700’s! That’s just one thing about pinball you can learn at the museum. It’s run by die hard, dedicated and loving fans of all things pinball and you’d be a fool to miss out on those flashy lights, bing bongy bells and flippers, flippers, flippers. Make it a point to check it out and support one of Baltimore’s most unique treasures. Don’t let these guys go!

( favorite among the graphics – a “High Speed” clone with art from 1987’s Dragnet AND Robocop for some bizarre reason. Check it out in the photos – iPhoneography courtesy of street team member @cheeselaine)

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