The Baltimore Sun Mobbies – Aftermath

Well the Mobbies are over and done with, and what a fun time it was. I whole-foodsedly thank all of the readers, commenters, guest authors and Sheila Dixon for making this site truly worthy of a voter-generated award. But guess what! It’s just the beginning people! Prepare to see advertisements for this site on in the next few weeks! And these handy badges advertising victory on this site!

badge/ badge/ Additionally, we’ll be bringing some new features, contests, and more of that beloved content you all love so much. This train ain’t stoppin’ any time soon.

Furthermore, some quick bullet points:

  • NachoQuest will and absolutely must end by November 1st. A trophy will be presented to the winning establishment.
  • We will be running some banner ads for local businesses which will benefit everyone in the form of 10% off coupons, specials and so forth exclusive to us! If you are/own a local business and would like to get in on the action, contact us.
  • “Yard Sale” should be up and running next week, a page dedicated to selling amazing knickknacks and other junk of interest. It’s an opportunity to support the site, and buy/own crazy crap in the process!
  • Bullet points aren’t actually made of bullets, nor are they pointed. They do however often deliver a fact in short form.


5 thoughts on “The Baltimore Sun Mobbies – Aftermath

    1. i know right, you should see my endorsement-covered shirt. i’m like a nascar driver, but instead of driving race cars i post pictures of food.

  1. The suit Evan wore at the awards ceremony was rented out to him, free of charge by Men’s Wearhouse. Hat from Party City in White Marsh. He’s still working on the banner ads for them.

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