CoS Watch

Apostropher is essential reading regardless of subject.

Evan Insert:

The now infamous Jason Beghe teaser trailer was removed from Youtube and Mark Bunker’s account was suspended. The Village Voice ran a really damning interview with him on tax day that’s really, really worth reading. A Current Affair in Australia also ran a piece on the interview, they state that ‘more is on the way from Beghe’ but I haven’t seen anything yet. Really the Village Voice article is the centerpiece here.

It was also funny seeing Tom’s podcast on the sidebar while I was trying to find it.

1 thought on “CoS Watch

  1. I know we all have a good time with the Scientologists and no one should be infiltrating the IRS or trying to censor the interphonez, but uh, a commenter to that Apostropher article linked this YouTube video featuring McCain’s buddy John Hagee. Just to keep this all in perspective, fundamentalist Christians (you know those guys running our country right now, pre-emptive wars, etc.) want (are praying for) the world to end and they control a nuclear stockpile large enough to do it. Conveniently, the other side of the world is full of apocalyptic Muslims who basically believe the same things except in their version, they win. Hopefully they’re both wrong and we will merely be instantly obliterated in the nuclear exchange, much to everyone’s disappointment. Otherwise we’re all going to hell.

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