Suspiciously Good News – Not So Suspicious

Last month I posted on the fact that Baltimore’s murder rate in January was as low as it was since 1987. It’s great! And over the course of February, that trend has continued with 14 murders, roughly half the number of murders in 2007. Last month, officials were saying “THERE’S HARD WORK TO BE DONE NO TIME TO TAKE CREDIT BLAH BLAH” but this month, they’re definitely starting to take some credit.
This article details such credit taking due to ‘policy changes’ implemented by Dixon and so forth, but also makes the point that as crime drops in the city, it’s definitely on the rise pretty much everywhere else in the state of Maryland. Indeed, Smilin’ Martin has begun ‘cracking down’ on the recent development in crime in Annapolis – a city which totaled 8 murders last year, and in January of this year had nearly half that many. Plus, it’s not news at all that gang activities have been surging recently in Harford and Carroll counties, where the market is practically first come first serve – none of the stiff and violent competition featured in Baltimore. So cheer up everyone, the murders and violence aren’t gone, they’re just spread out!

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