Southeastern District to be renamed, placed under dome

After recent reports of a massive shooting spree resulting in the death of two and wounding of 17 people on Sunday, and with 13 murders thus far this year and dozens of shootings, the Southeastern District of Baltimore is now to be renamed “The Terrordrome” and placed under the world’s most massive geodesic dome. The […]

Suspiciously Good News – Not So Suspicious

Last month I posted on the fact that Baltimore’s murder rate in January was as low as it was since 1987. It’s great! And over the course of February, that trend has continued with 14 murders, roughly half the number of murders in 2007. Last month, officials were saying “THERE’S HARD WORK TO BE DONE […]

Scientology Digest 02/19/2008

Before I get around to posting non-CoS material, I thought I’d share with everyone some late-breaking, utterly disturbing news. A guy by the name of Shawn Lonsdale recently ‘commited suicide’ by feeding a tube from his car exhaust pipe into his apartment. He was found dead some time later. Why is this disturbing? Because Shawn […]

Stay. Out. Of. Barclay.

One of the more fascinating reads coming out of the Baltimore media is most certainly The City Paper’s Murder Ink, a no-frills, no opinions box article detailing the week’s tally of Baltimore murders and ongoing updates on previous murder cases. And given the propensity for murder in this city, it usually has at least two […]