Nuts. High in protein, contains the good kind of fats, a million ways to prepare them. And in this fast paced web synergy marketplace world we live in, you’ve got a lot of hifalutin’ options. Planters, Emerald, Wonderful, some other brand I’m forgetting, the list goes on and on. Fortunately for you, the next time you’re at the gas station or convenience store or grocery store or miscellaneous food store you’ve got a local option to choose from! Barcelona Nuts. You’ve probably seen their products a zillion times right before your eyes and never knew they were made in Baltimore! Well they are. Right over there by Carroll Park!
At any rate these guys have been at it since 1924, and don’t let the brand name fool you; the company was started by an immigrant from Barcelona (that’s in Spain, genius) and I guess he loved his home so hard he named the entire company after it.
Oddly, Barcelona isn’t limited to nuts oh hellll no, they also make candy. Gummy bears, cotton candy, those gross caramel creams that I hate (also made by local fave Goetze’s), orange slices, all kinds of olde tymey candies. Oh and nuts.
So don’t be fooled by the foreign-origin sounding name, Barcelona is a born and bred Baltimore company. Now if only they’d start making those Wasabi Soy Almonds I’m so addicted to I freebase them daily, I’d buy a controlling interest amount of them from them. A man can dream.