The Baltimore Sun Mobbies 2010 – get your voting fingers ready

Roughly a year and change ago, the creative minds at the Baltimore Sun decided to fire up a contest honoring the state of Maryland’s “finest” blogs, across a range of topics from Arts n’ Crafts to the Ravens to …Food. The Mobbies were born and The City That Breeds was nominated in a few categories, and even took a few wins. This year, we / I / the royal we have been nominated in four categories, including a new category to the awards – “Best Twitter Feed.”

So it is with great gusto I thank whomever nominated this site, blog, whatever you like to call it, and big shoutouts to Pat for his Boozetime! writeups, SpaceManAndy for his advice, and all the other people I just forgot to mention. Voting starts on November 2nd, so get ready to click on some buttons and choose (us as) your favorite!

Pertinent Baltimore Blog – Baltimore Slumlords

Public service time here at The City That Breeds! A relatively new blog, Baltimore Slumlords, is out there detailing the urban blight problem in the city and making it just a bit more public. I had actually had it in my head that I was going to run a blight feature, and I probably still […]