And your Blogger’s Challenge winner is…

With all the votes being tallied and a fine effort by all those who entered, with %49 of the vote via a combination of decent writing and shameless self promotion, your 2011 maybe-the-only-time-ever winner of The Baltimore Blogger’s Challenge is none other than: SpaceManAndy! Depsite the fact that Andy happens to field the Advice column […]

It’s time to read/vote for the Blogger’s Challenge

In what could or could not be an annual thing, the Baltimore Area Blogger’s Challenge has been “on” for the past week, in which readers and writers collectively selected a topic regarding Baltimore – namely, the love story of Natty Boh and Sally Utz, as famously made famous by MGH’s ad set for Smyth Jewelers. […]

Your blogger’s challenge topic: Natty Boh and Sallie Utz – a love story

Well the votes have been counted and the topic decided for this (and possibly last) Blogger’s Challenge, a chance for you Baltimore bloggers to strut your creative stuff and write up a storm for all to enjoy. The topic, as revealed in the title: Natty Boh and Sallie Utz – a love story. We all […]

Presenting: the first (maybe) annual blogger’s challenge

Are you a Baltimore area blogger? Maybe one of them blogs that appeared on that Mobbies thing? Well have I got a bragging rights contest for you! What seems like a trillion years ago an idea was hatched: area bloggers all write a post, entry, blog or what have you, on a particular topic – […]