Are you a Baltimore area blogger? Maybe one of them blogs that appeared on that Mobbies thing? Well have I got a bragging rights contest for you! What seems like a trillion years ago an idea was hatched: area bloggers all write a post, entry, blog or what have you, on a particular topic – Baltimore related. The topic would be selected by vote after interested parties submit them via email or comment, and writing would commence.
Once all posts of a particular topic are finished by a determined deadline, the “conversation” across all blogs begins – with sexy results!
Optionally, a “winner” could be decided by voting, again, with an award possibly created and probably presented on November 15th at the official Mobbies party celebration at Illusions in Federal Hill.
Sound like something you might be interested in? Good – then send your topic suggestions an/or blog url to, alternatively leave them in the comments section or tweet them to @citythatbreeds.
If for some unholy reason there’s a lack of interest this post and all of its associated links will be set afire. Get your creative juices flowing people!
why not just have people write the love story of one eyed boh man and that cute Utz girl? 🙂
That’s pretty awesome actually, I’ll add it to the list (of three so far)!
Berger cookies.
Am I disqualified if I write for the blog hosting the contest?
In Soviet Russia, SpaceManAndy disqualifies you!