And your Blogger’s Challenge winner is…

With all the votes being tallied and a fine effort by all those who entered, with %49 of the vote via a combination of decent writing and shameless self promotion, your 2011 maybe-the-only-time-ever winner of The Baltimore Blogger’s Challenge is none other than:


Depsite the fact that Andy happens to field the Advice column here on The City That Breeds, I assure you there is nary a shade of nepotism or cronyism happening here, and quite frankly this contest is really just for fun SO WHO CARES ANYWAY. Just kidding, everyone cares.

…especially since the prize for the Blogger’s Challenge, as seen in the header photo, is a genuine 24 karat (spraypaint) gold (colored) Keyboard (nonfunctioning) trophy! The trophy will be presented to SpaceManAndy at tonight’s Mobbies party (link), a time to be had by all to be sure.

Thanks to all who participated/read/voted! If you missed them before, please to be going back to yesterday’s post and check out all the entries for the challenge. The bloggers will appreciate it.

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