Dear Tax Return Fairy,

Or, more Amazon crap.

Debate the relative merits of DS9 v. Voyager in the comments until Evil Riker imposes his steely, beardy will.

8 thoughts on “Dear Tax Return Fairy,

  1. gaaaahahaha I couldn’t resist

    “i usually just shit on the transporter and beam it to space” – miles o’brien

    “i know quite a bit about transporter beams. mainly how to shit or piss through them.” -o’brien

    “miles, can you beam your shit into my botanical research station, i ran out of nitrate stocks” -keiko

    “o’brien, im on an away mission but theres no toilet, can you lock on to my colon? i have a #2 to beam up” -riker

    (courtesy of SA, our forum)

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