May it never be said that I condone violence, but a small, slightly evil part of me finds this hilarious.
A series of attacks on dyed-hair, eye-makeup-wearing emo kids began in early March when several hundred people went on an emo-beating rampage in Querétaro, a town of 1.5 million about 160 miles north of Mexico City.
Yes, folks, after years of crooning about imagined emotional problems and overbearing parents, emo finally has something to cry about — punk’s military issue boot just connected with their temple. As one intrepid reporter put it: “They’re organizing to defend their right to be emo.” It almost makes me want to cry in my room with a guitar.
Actually, as the wired story makes clear, its about sexuality and the link between homosexuality and the emo culture in Mexico. That aspect of the story makes it much less amusing… not really funny at all. Bad for violently oppressed minorities; Good for opening up narratives possibilities in a narrow self-indulgent genre.
Schadenfreude is the best new category pretty much ever.
What is it about emo kids that makes me care less about them getting beaten? Goth kids getting beaten? Yeah, maybe I’d say “oh they’re just goths. Leave them alone.” Punks? Yeah they’re not getting beaten. Ravers? Actually they should be exterminated altogether. I guess it’s the combination of attention whoring, crying, makeup, and shitty musical taste. I’m genuinely curious as to what the future holds for shitty things teenagers can get into.
*this all taken with the caveat that “emo” is nothing more than goth clothing and attitude with punkISH sounding music.
I found the idea of emo-kids being beaten ironic; but the gay-bashing thing makes me think I’m a bad person. But you’re right, its not because they’re emo…
Emofag is not just a term of endearment?
That was terrible.
Why can’t young kids get into being exceptional citizens or straight-A students? Granted I was totally emo before they called it emo (not the crap music, but the whining anti-socialness). More interestingly, what is the music industry supposed to do since they’ve progressively marketed to younger and younger audiences forcing their mainstream products to become completely irrelevant to anyone over 20? I guess there’s always the viable fetus demographic.
Ok, just RTFA. Since when are punks a macho subculture? What is going on here? Get off my lawn!
I’m a school nurse & you wouldn’t believe how many of the “emo” kids cut. They call themselves “emo,” by the way. We’ve sent at least a dozen kids to the local psychiatric hospital for self-injury and suicidal ideation just during this school year. I was pretty confused about the whole “emo” thing until one of the kids showed me the website Once I saw that site, I understand the issue much better; please take the time to view this and protect yourself and your loved ones.
Sweet! Emo is a public health issue. Can’t argue with science. Well, Foucault could, but we can’t obviously…