Ride to the Rally to Restore Sanity with Team Bad Decisions

In case you were unaware due to the fact that you live under a rock, on October 30th the fine folks at Comedy Central and The Daily Show / Colbert Report are throwing several comedy-based rallies in Washington, DC which promise to bring ….something to the political landscape that seems to be so deeply troubled in this day and age.

But really, who wants to DRIVE to DC? It sucks! And the stupid goddammed MARC train doesn’t run on weekends, and the Metro costs money and and and and

Which is why, dear readers, you should forego any thought of trying to drive yourself to the rally – if you should decide to go – and hitch a ride with John Reusing and the fine freaks of Bad Decisions (1928 Fleet St., Fells Point) on their bus tour to the rallies. John plans on renting out “as many buses as it takes, hopefully [two] or more” to get concerned citizens of Baltimore to Washington.

The buses will have bathrooms and there will (probably) be booze, and every rider gets a “TEAM BAD DECISIONS” T-shirt, $25-30 depending on unforeseen costs.

The event’s Facebook page, the Twitter hashtag is #BDRT. Or if you must, call Bad Decisions(410) 979-5161 for more info.

3 thoughts on “Ride to the Rally to Restore Sanity with Team Bad Decisions

  1. I’m looking forward to the Rally, and am delighted to learn that there will be buses available from Baltimore to DC. When will the details – time place pick-up and return – be available.

  2. Would luv to attend Jon’s rally. Being age-challenged I am wondering if it would be appropriate for an “alter Kokker” to go on ur bus? So give me times & location leaving & returning please!

    Oooh, would be great to burn Ruppert Murdock in effigy!!! Fair & balanced my sweet butt! Maybe we could even throw some tea-bags in reflecting pool. (herbal of course)

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