Crumpton Auction is a great weekday getaway

If you’ve got a Wednesday off in the near future for some reason, you should definitely consider taking the short trip over the Bay Bridge to Crumpton, where Dixon’s Furniture Auction occurs every week from 9am on. The auction house features literally thousands of items every week, ranging from legitimate antiques to quirky junk lying on the ground in one of their three outdoor auction fields. Minimum bid on the highest tier sets is $100, while the lowest is $5, so if you’re in the market for some zany crap you’d better bring a checkbook.

And while you’re there, sample some of the incredible home cooked food prepared by the folks from Lancaster – hand made pretzels, ice cream, rotisserie chickens, meats, cheeses and pastries all right there and dirt cheap. There’s even a farmer’s market out front!

So if you’re in the market to gawk at stuffed porcupines, purchase some vintage guitars or just stuff your face full of candy, this is the place to be. Check it out.

4 thoughts on “Crumpton Auction is a great weekday getaway

  1. I grew up near here. In fact, the kitchen table and chairs we use were bought at the auction by my grandmother in the mid-60s. God knows how old they really are. Across the street, there’s a bar/restaurant that used to sell T-shirts with the logo:

    “Crumpton, the center of the universe. Feel the Pull!”

  2. I’m looking for a phone number for lost and found.  I think I may have lost a pair of glasses there last Wednesday.  Can anyone help me?

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