Yes yes yes, we all know bacon is the new Chuck Norris on the internet, and every possible product that should or should not contain bacon will more than likely contain bacon and it’ll be totally LOL ROFLCOPTER for ten minutes, and in a white supernova the whole thing will come crumbling down in a shower of forwards from grandmom and T-Shirts found at the thrift store. I guess Jim Gaffigan’s career is getting a shot in the arm because of it though! At any rate, getting back to J & D’s. Please. For the love of god, enough. Bacon Salt is great, Baconnaise is pushing it, Bacon Lip Balm is weird and dumb, but BACON LUBE is …obscene. Please stop it.
And I was so sure that it was an April Fool’s gag but nope, it’s true, bacon lube is real and it’s all up in your shit. WHYYYYYYYY
UPDATE: Thank the lord and all that is holy, it was in fact an April Fool’s joke, which for some reason they waited for almost a week to announce. Good one guys, but it still doesn’t change the fact that this is more than likely going to come out somewhere else in the near future.
WOW. I mean really, WOW.
haha GROSS. ThinkGeek had squeezable bacon as an april fools joke.
they also had a tauntaun sleeping bag, which they are thinking about actually making since so many people wanted to buy it!
Yeah that would more than likely sell out pretty instantly.
I love this blog! Thanks again!
No thank you.
This was a great read though! Thanks..