From the Wal-Mart Remington unending saga 2000; another lawsuit

Sent via a tipster, which has by now been (being?) covered by the “full-time media” and is now a matter of public digestion, comes this blurb from Jeanne Knight, President of the Old Goucher Association (Remington’s next door neighbor): I was asked to attend a brief meeting today at 5:30 that included only neighborhood leaders […]

Super Art Fight, Egg Babies, Jim Meyer at The Ottobar March 30th

For a night of entertainment that even The Donald would describe as YOUUUUUGE, and for the bargain basement price of $15 for not one or two but THREE acts worthy of note, comes March 30th’s Super Art Fight show at The Ottobar (2549 N Howard St., Remington). The bracketed pro wrestling style art competition is […]

Drinking Made Easy coming to Baltimore and Natty Boh on Tap!

Rumors had been flying about recently as to whether or not Zane Lamprey’s (awesome name btw) show Drinking Made Easy, a show dedicated to regional drink specialties and traditions, was coming to Baltimore to shoot an episode for season 2. The rumors were confirmed last week, when DME ran an article on The Land of […]

Update: The Proposed Walmart in Remington Opinions Roundup

A bit of time has passed since the whole “Walmart might be coming to Remington” debacle began; it would seem that every media outlet, blog, dog, dog blog and log log has covered it in some way, ranging from the usual copy/paste anti-or-pro statement seen thousands of places around the internet to the truly well […]

The Proposed Lowe’s/Walmart in Remington Opinions Roundup

An immense amount of back and forth has been going around over the past few days over the proposed shopping outlet in Remington, primarily over the you-knew-it-was-coming hubbub over the inclusion of Walmart into the mix. This news is considerable and it deserves the level of conversation that it has so far enjoyed; the announcement […]

Walmart coming to Remington, Hipster meltdown imminent

Virtually every Baltimore area media outlet today has reported that a $65 million shopping and residential development featuring Walmart and Lowe’s will be coming to the Remington area by late 2011. aaaaaaaaand I was about to make a list of predictions on the matter and they’re alreadycomingetruesorryforwastingyourtimefolks!!!! Here are some totally awesome animated gifs to […]