City Paper’s BoB 2009 – How I Voted pt. 1

The time has come, dear Baltimore, to cast your votes for City Paper’s 2009 Best of Baltimore list. I went to the ballot party the other night at Max’s on Broadway and the turnout was in the …tens, nevertheless I did my civic duty and tried to come up with a nomination for every category […]

Shropshire, you’re finished.

I spotted this article in the Sun the other day about Sam Shropshire and his troubles with being accused of fondling a midshipman from the Naval Academy recently, and while the legal and otherwise circumstantial evidence is pending in some sort of media-circus court case, there’s one thing that cannot be denied and should be […]

David Simon on the future of journalism (again)

Baltimore’s favorite angry writer and producer of the best show ever fucking made is testifying today in front of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation regarding the Future of Journalism. The list of speakers is fairly high-powered, including the VP of search products and user experience at Google (Marissa Mayer), Steve Coll formerly […]

The Baltimore Sun starts a zine

It’s not really news that The Baltimore Sun’s subscription base has been bleeding out uncontrollably for the past few years and there’s nothing stopping it. Journalism is dead, blah blah blah. So they’ve done what several other publications have done and created a free, daily rag targeting a ‘younger crowd’. I suppose what they mean […]