Nuggetfest 2020 IS A GO!

It is sometimes claimed that Baltimore, in its history, has had a few legendary events to claim as its own. Preakness, Artscape, Flower Mart, — all total crap. Baltimore’s true legendary event-that-sometimes-happens-annually is NUGGETFEST, a celebration of that one culinary delight that all human beings and baby Yodas cherish, the chicken nugget. Please, join us, […]

Another Unicorn Dead: Cross Bar License Invalidated

  In setting what could only be described as a dangerous precedent today, Octogenarian Head of the Liquor Board Thomas Ward and Commish Dana Moore voted 2-1 to invalidate the 10,000 year old (but still in use yet) Cross Bar der Biergarten’s (12-18 Cross St, Federal Hill (theoretically)) liquor license, a bar that hasn’t even […]

A local favorite now offering lunch on the weekends

Not that we needed more Sunday Funday options in the Hill area, but ask and ye shall receive! Pub Dog has long been providing us in the neighborhood with delectable eats, this is no surprise. The selection of delicious, personal (if you try hard enough) pizzas has been a craving to many Federal Hillians for […]

Will Crossbar der Biergarten be open by October?

Crossbar der Biergarten, or Crossbar for short, is the latest “super-bar” planned for Federal Hill. Brian McComas, Ryleigh’s owner, continues to push for this newest concept. The plan is to merge 12 & 14 East Cross Street and knock down the walls of 14 & 16 East Cross Street to create an open-air beer garden, […]

How to make a million dollars running a festival booth

Let it be known that I, Evan The Mayor, made my sophomore debut as a festival vendor this past Sunday at Federal Hill’s Street Beat Festival selling our delicious, nutritious and amazing Mobtown Meatsnacks to the thinned masses; crowds seeing anemic ebbs and flows as a result of a majority of citizens being en route […]

Cross Street’s Cross Bar Denied

In case you haven’t noticed lately, the Ryleigh’s Oyster group has been lobbying pretty hard on Twitter and Facebook in an effort to bring to fruition “Baltimore’s first German Biergarten” in the form of Cross Bar, an open air multihundred seat bar restaurant to occupy addresses 12-18 Cross Street. They lobbied hard, had a petition […]