Evening Magazine: Microprose!

Take a trip in the wayback machine yall, Microprose employees and their can-do attitude produce the most advanced war simulators ever made, ever. Featured is the in-development F-15 Strike Eagle game by Microprose co-head Sid Meier, the legendary game developer behind Civilization and X-COM (among so many others!). Co-head Bill Stealy hams it up big […]


Hello CTB Family, Your friendly neighborhood self-appointed Bishop here. Today I am pissed. My morning is a strict routine. I get up at 5:30am. I brew coffee.  Always 6 cups.  4 1/2 scoops of Zekes grounds.  Always. While the coffee brews I answer email. Email and the brewing of coffee typically finish at the same time. […]

This LINE Camera app is ridiculous or: The Adventures of Celery Man

Is Instagram just not enough for you? Tired of those drab vintage frames, those sepia filters and focus stripes that artificially make you look like a decent photographer? Do you need to convert mundane images into anime/bling/fantasy related pictures for Japanese children to enjoy? Let’s face it, reality is boooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnggggg and LINE Camera is just […]

The City That Breeds is now on Foursquare …for some reason

*apologies to those of you who “friended” the previous CTB account on Foursquare, the tips/friends couldn’t be transferred. Sorry! In an effort to provide the web-and-mobile-device-savvy public at large (and myself) continuously entertained, The City That Breeds now has its own Foursquare page complete with “fun” tips and tricks to do around the Baltimore area. […]