Back from Summer Break! Trips to the UK and various summer camp stories are told alongside all the crazy craziness going on in the US Election cycle. Also some hot music chat and Deadpool / Wolverine. WE’RE BACK BAYBEEE! JOIN OUR DISCORD!
Author: Producer Mila
CTB Show 505: Vacationsode
With folks being OCONUS (that’s military talk for outside of the continental united states) we present and evergreen episode about vacationing, gen z stuff, and other things I can’t remember. I’m on vacation for chrissake enjoy your free content already!
CTB Show 504: Make Arcades Great Again
After a week where NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED the Podgang minus one discusses the obvious news that occurred over the weekend, Jury Duty, a slew of celebrity deaths and the various Beverly Hills Cop films. Wow! JOIN OUR DISCORD!
CTB Show 503: Never Trust a Trevor
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY FOR WHATEVER THAT’S WORTH AT THIS POINT! Enjoy a whole bunch of pop culture chat that just has almost zero cohesion to it. But it’s fun. That’s our brand. Wow! JOIN OUR DISCORD!
CTB Show 502: The Multiverse of Doritos
The Pod is joined by Ryan Metzger of SnaXium! ( to discuss, duh, snack foods. Good and bad trends in snacks, weird snacks, traditional snacks, SNACKS! It’s a snacking good time. Check out his content if you like snacks and or have a pulse. Also there’s a Well Its Been featuring stand up comedy and […]
CTB Show 501: Rattlesnake in a Room Full of Rocking Chairs
It’s a hodgepodgesode not cancelled by a tornado that didn’t happen! Fast food consumption is discussed and a fast food taste test is performed. Riveting. Also swimming in the harbor, the new-ish Lexington Market, the Toy Expo and more!!!!1!