We here at CTB are always on the lookout for the next big workout craze; from Zumba to P90X to Tae (National) Boh to Sweatin’ to the Oldies, we’re on the cusp – the bleeding edge – of what’s about to hit it big in these here United States. And so it is with great pleasure I present your next immensely popular workout craze: HORSEBIC. Eastern European (presumably) in origin, this high impact workout combines the ….physical strain of horseback riding with the ….physicality of trotting around like a horse with …..throwing plushy horses at each other and, well I didn’t finish watching the video because it was so goddamned awkward but maybe you’ll be able to! HORSEBIC!!
Tae Boh? that sounds like it involves drinking, and therefore is a workout program i might be able to stick with.
It’s weird that all these experienced horsebic-ers are still fat. Very weird.
*muscular* Luke, *muscular*
have you seen the Jimmy Kimmel Humpilates video? it’s pretty funny
ugh. finland is northern europe, you horse’s ass.