Otakon Revisited – The Otakon Dance Experience

I’m not entirely sure what it is about Otakon and it attendees, but they sure likes them some dancin’ – especially break dancing. At times it’s impressive, more often than not it’s bewilderingly hilarious and awkward. I feel as though this video encompasses those aspects pretty adequately. BONUS VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This kid just couldn’t wait to […]

Remembering Michael Jackson…….’s Moonwalker for the Genesis

One of my finest memories of adolescence, aside from making very frequent and hilarious Michael Jackson jokes, was playing Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker for the Sega Genesis. If you’ve never heard of this game previously it’s not too surprising; the game, based on the 1988 movie was a …cult classic, to be sure. It also never, […]

An evening at SILKS

What seems like a thousand years ago, I was on a rather smallish bar crawl of sorts hitting up some of the non-square Canton establishments that I had frequently heard of, but never really been to. One such establishment was SILKS – a place whose name I found myself repeating out loud every time I […]