J&D’s Bacon Lube is, unfortunately, very real

And so it was, 2.5 years ago when the world was at the height of its almost irritating obsession with bacon when someone emailed me the apparent existence of a product – J&D’s Bacon Lube. Known for their oddball bacon products like Bacon Salt, Bacon Mayonnaise and various other bacon-related foods (but no actual bacon) […]

Oh look, it’s Baltimore radio DJ Glenn Beck

So there I was, drunkenly surfing Youtube for some Mr. Ray’s Hair weave commercials when I stumble upon a gem of gems, a commercial for B 104 and their morning show, during which they’re *really excited* about giving away $10,000 to one lucky birthday winner! Recognize the guy in the middle sporting the Orioles jacket? […]

City That Breeds Bumper Stickers and The Rat Fishing Video Post

After this interesting-to-me-only exchange witnessed yesterday on Facebook, I found myself remembering this slightly uncomfortable Youtube video filed under “Wait this is a thing?” shot in 1995, where a guy from DC interviews the Baltimore Association of Rat Fisherpersons, or B.A.R.F., as they hold their 3rd annual (and final) rat fishing tournament at Yellow Rose […]

Ray Lewis has a new nickname, embrace it

In a press release yesterday, Dunkadelic Sports Marketing representative Derrick Vaugh (Basketball & Hip-Hop That’s Dunkadelic!) alerted the entirety of all Baltimore news media outlets that effective immediately, linebacker Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens will forthwith be known as “Raytorious L52.” The nickname is designed to liken Ray Lewis to Notorious B.I.G. as “The […]

T&T&A Book Party at Larry Flint’s Hustler Club

Next Thursday, September 9th at Larry Flint’s Hustler Club (409 E. Baltimore St., Downtown) from 8-11pm comes one of the more unusual book signings/parties I’ve heard of in a while (and by that I mean ever); NY based photographer Tony Stamolis’ recent release T&T&A – a book solely devoted to pictures of topless women alongside pictures of tacos and other Mexican food – is coming to town and doin’ it up The Block style right here in Baltimore. I thumbed through a few pages of the tome and what can I say, it’s a bunch of topless women and dirty Mexican food. So, if that’s your thing then by all means grab yourself a copy of the book next Thursday!