A friend of mine living in Texas recently told me of an adventure her and her friends embarked upon, a journey so magical and awesome I feel it is my duty to share. It’s called the Pedal Party, and it is awesome…
Tag: party
Go to Station North this Halloween. Do it.
For something a bit different and with far less vomit during this year’s Halloween festivities, I fully intend to patronize Station North in lieu of more jam-packed, expensive and otherwise drunk as hell areas like Fell’s Point or Federal Hill. And so should you. Granted, you’ll be trading your crowd of 20,000 totally sweet sexy […]
The Essence of Evan Roundup
Behold as the tragically hilarious guest poster Lee of The Jackal’s Den bestows upon us his thoughts and feelings on this past Saturday’s vodka infusion festival (my own material will be posted when I get my hands on some pictures of it): Sunday, June 7, 2009 Getting Awesome With Awesome Vodka When you get awesome […]
T-minus 24 hours
Until the greatest vodka infusion party the city of Baltimore has ever known. Needless to say there’s an excitement in the air folks, expect a grande olde wrapup by Mondee!
The Bacon and Beer Happy Hour Roundup
The Bacon and Beer Happy Hour IV has come and gone and it was a pretty great time indeed. For a bar that has essentially made a name for itself solely through Tweeting frequently, Bad Decisions has really done a fine job of generating a ton of interest in their events and establishment in general, […]
I’m putting my money where my mouth is and putting my award winning mixology skills to the test.