The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad, their last show, and Septimius the GREAT

And lo it was last month, when an exchange of comments via locally popular Midnight Sun blog did spark an interest: could or would the new Black Roman Emperor Septimius the Great be lured into performing at local rock group Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad‘s CD release party for their latest (and last, tragically) album, Boneslinky? […]

Bieber Fever contracted by livestock, thousands euthanized

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International Universal Singing Supernova Justin Bieber performed in front of a screaming, frenzied audience of over 12,000 people and several hundred animals at the Maryland State Fair on Sunday, sending humans into frothing convulsions coupled by uncontrollable sobbing and child worship. The condition, known as “Bieber Fever,” was previously considered to be a mild disorder with a relatively short disease course of several hours, or concurrent distance from the teenage singer, with very few if any lasting effects.

That is, unfortunately, until Sunday when it became apparent that Bieber Fever is contractible to livestock. […]

Alternative rock – with a cello!

The tagline on their website says it all. When cello player for the late 90s Alt-Rock band Treadmill Trackstar Heidi Carey emailed me about her love of po’ boys and whiskey, she informed me of her recently reunited band’s finished effort to produce an album – after a ten year hiatus – funded entirely by […]

Behind the scenes with Lazerbitch! (sorta)

A wee couple of days ago I first heard about local electro-pop-whatever-i’m-not-a-music-critic act Lazerbitch over at Ye Olde Midnight Sunne Blog and got a solid kick out of the video “Coquette” and it’s sheer sheer localness. Welp, fast forward to the other day and I find myself at Windup Space somehow observing a photo shoot […]