Pizza: the new Tapas?

A few weeks ago we went over the fact that Grumpies Pour House (25 E. Cross St., Federal Hill) will be expanding into the adjacent/empty Federal Hill Lounge space in the next who-knows-when, and as it turns out, they’re probably planning on turning the whole operation into a pizza restaurant of some kind. For most […]

Grumpies Pour House to expand into old Federal Hill Lounge space

You may have missed this little gem amongst the maelstrom of usual internet yammering last week, but after some mild postponement the fine owners of Grumpies Pour House (25 East Cross St., Federal Hill), also owners of several other area bars, have received approval from the liquor board to expand their operation into the often and long-since defunct Federal Hill Lounge, which sits right next door.

Grumpies has always been one of the more underrated bars in the area, in my humble opinion – with a $2 draft happy hour that runs from 6-10pm, and a crowd that never gets too crowded, you can always start a Friday evening off right there. Hopefully with a proper redesign and update, the additional space can keep them going strong for years to come. Kudos to you, Grumpie’s Pour House!

(Grumpies also has a Facebook page)

Oktober Muggfest at Muggsy’s Mughouse

Not to be outdone by Cuppy’s Cuphouse and their Cuptober Cuppfest, This Thursday September 23rd Muggsy’s Mughouse (1236 Light St, Federal Hill) will be hosting their “Original Oktoberfest celebration.” For $20 (in advance, $25 at the door) ye shall receive a 16 oz. bottomless* take-home pint glass and access to a buffet full of delicious German eats. Apparently the thing is sponsored by Warsteiner, one of my fave beers, so it should be pretty good stuff.

In other news, Muggsy Bogues.

*actual pint glass has a bottom

PSA: Help suport SoBo cafe!

When it comes to The Baltimore Eclectic, our city isn’t exactly lacking. It seems like every neighborhood has at least a few establishments which embrace that part of what makes Charm City, well, Charm City: the independent, quirky bar/restaurant with a truly at-home atmosphere and good home cooking. SoBo Cafe, in the heart of Federal […]

Happy Flag Day, America

If you’re in Baltimore this week, head on over to some of our great city’s gigantic American flags – notably Federal Hill Park or Fort McHenry, and salute that mother out. Or, head on over to the Star Spangled Banner Flag House (844 East Pratt Street, Downtown) and see how Baltimore’s Mary Pickersgill created the […]

The Fort Avenue pub crawl stabbing – Backlash and fallout

In case you were not paying attention to the Baltimore area internet in the past few days, it was initially reported on Monday by Sun reporter Justin Fenton that during a pub crawl along Fort Avenue on Saturday (an overlapping pub crawl not associated with the one plugged a few days prior), an altercation broke […]