J&D’s Bacon Lube is, unfortunately, very real

And so it was, 2.5 years ago when the world was at the height of its almost irritating obsession with bacon when someone emailed me the apparent existence of a product – J&D’s Bacon Lube. Known for their oddball bacon products like Bacon Salt, Bacon Mayonnaise and various other bacon-related foods (but no actual bacon) […]

The 2nd Annual Bacon and Beer Fest!

Today marks the 1 month lead up to one of the Baltimore area’s greatest brewery tours, the Heavy Seas Pyrates, Pigs and Pints tour! A celebration of all things pirate, bacon and some of the greatest local brew put out by the fine folks of Heavy Seas (aka Clipper City Brewery). Last year’s celebration was absolutely incredible (seriously look at the pictures, it was awesome) and this year’s promises to be more of the same …despite the fact that the tour is not on Talk Like a Pirate Day, and is instead on our current greatest day of national mourning, but whaddayagonnado. Here’s the rundown…

BLT Cocktails!

Once you’ve broken your cherry by making some bacon-infused vodka Bloody Marys, give this one a shot.  After tasting a bacon Bloody Mary, I was inspired to create a BLT-type drink.  After a lot of trial and error, here’s what I came up with. Now, if you haven’t made bacon vodka yet, it’s time to […]

Bacon Bloodies – now at Oregon Grille!

This was a joint venture between myself and Erik Brown, the bartender at the Oregon Grille. Once I learned that it was possible to create a bacon-infused vodka, I immediately thought, “That would make a bitchin’ Bloody Mary.” I finally got around to making the vodka a couple of weeks ago, and the drink had […]

The Heavy Seas Bacon and Beer Fest – Pirates and Beer Edition

(if you’d like to read about the bacon and other foodstuffs featured at this horrifically amazing event, go here) SO I’ve been wracking my brain over and over about what to say about the Heavy Seas Bacon and Beer Fest put on by Clipper City Brewery the other day, and I just can’t really do […]