Event Plug – The Mobbies Gala

On October 14th, at the Metro Gallery (1700 N Charles St, Mount Vernon) in Baltimore, MD USA Planet Earth, the collected masses crammed into the mixed use venue will convene for the Baltimore Sun’s 1st annual Maryland’s Outstanding Blogs contest results, and will additionally celebrate this incredibly well crafted graphic: The festivities begin at 7pm […]

Honoring the first AWESOME-American president!

Guest poster Allan honors our American President the only way we can: with cold, hard facts. President Barak Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today, and I’m hearing a lot of people carrying on about how he doesn’t deserve it. Well let me tell you something, he does deserve it. He deserves it a […]

The Heavy Seas Bacon and Beer Fest – Pirates and Beer Edition

(if you’d like to read about the bacon and other foodstuffs featured at this horrifically amazing event, go here) SO I’ve been wracking my brain over and over about what to say about the Heavy Seas Bacon and Beer Fest put on by Clipper City Brewery the other day, and I just can’t really do […]