Blog tuesdays are for voting Many of you may know that tomorrow is the most important day of the primary election cycle. If you don't Some suspiciously good news! murders are down to pre-crack levels. 14 murders in January is still a hell of a lot, and this is So lung, flare well Tomorrow is the last day anyone in Baltimore will be able to smoke inside of a bar. John Woestendiek wrote The Tick! If you haven't found yet, you should go there to find a few forgotten favorites. No Brisco County Jr., Stay. Out. Of. Barclay. One of the more fascinating reads coming out of the Baltimore media is most certainly The City Paper's Murder Ink, ZOMBIE NETWORKS LOOMING, INTERNET AT RISK So a pair of friends of mine have an 'investment club' in which we put some money together to own Truckzilla 4 sale JUST REDUCED!!!!1! For Sale: One Robosaurus. (via) Après le déluge As many who frequent this wonderful site are aware, I am the once and future author of another, now all-but-moribund, Reloaded Welp, here's the new website. It's going to be very cluttered until everything is restored. BUT IT WILL RULE. « Previous 1 … 107 108 109 Share!EmailThreadsBluesky