Movember BEGINS!

Unfortunately I’m a few days late for the beginning of Movember, the initiative to get males to grow mustaches throughout the month of November and raise awareness/get donations for the Prostate Cancer Foundation (R.I.P. DJS M.D. 1938-2001 <3). I’m participating this year and have shaved my face cleanly, as you can see. At any rate, […]


Say whatever you want about the current state of affairs in our country, one thing remains painfully true: The United States of America kick fucking ass. This inspirational blockquote brought to you from the year 1973: “LET’S BE PERSONAL” Broadcast June 5, 1973 CFRB, Toronto, Ontario Topic: “The Americans” The United States dollar took another […]

Post Number One Hundred

Welp, here it is, the 100th published post emanating ever so softly from And man, talk about a lot of work! Copying and pasting, linking, expressing my opinion in less than three paragraphs, the kind of stuff that large commercial conglomerates are actually paying people to do – and I’m just doing it for […]

Après le déluge

As many who frequent this wonderful site are aware, I am the once and future author of another, now all-but-moribund, blog. It featured an eclectic mix of poorly written political and philosophical screeds. My budding academic career (also now all-but-moribund) forced its closure, shuttering the blog and my all but inevitable climb in the upper […]