THE CITY THAT BREEDS WANTS YOU TO WIN FREE CRAP! * IT’S TRUE!!!! YOU CAN WIN A $10 RESTAURANT.COM GIFT CERTIFICATE TO TEAVOLVE!!! How? Just perform one simple, practically mindless task: Create a haiku which captures the “essence” of Harbor East as you see it. Actually, it doesn’t even have to be about essence, just […]

Nacho Quest – The Nacho Manifesto

After a mere 24 hours of attempting to scientifically determine who has the greatest nachos in the Baltimore area, it has become apparent that a number of qualities, exceptions, and/or ground need to be established as to what will and will most certainly not win points in the “Yeah these are good nachos” column. Obviously […]

The Essence of Evan Roundup

Behold as the tragically hilarious guest poster Lee of The Jackal’s Den bestows upon us his thoughts and feelings on this past Saturday’s vodka infusion festival (my own material will be posted when I get my hands on some pictures of it): Sunday, June 7, 2009 Getting Awesome With Awesome Vodka When you get awesome […]