Via Baltimore Slumlord Watch, Baltimore has a new law governing vacant city buildings. For more on this legislation, or other budget matters, you can read this article from the Baltimore Sun.

Update: The Proposed Walmart in Remington Opinions Roundup

A bit of time has passed since the whole “Walmart might be coming to Remington” debacle began; it would seem that every media outlet, blog, dog, dog blog and log log has covered it in some way, ranging from the usual copy/paste anti-or-pro statement seen thousands of places around the internet to the truly well […]

Realistic solutions for Baltimore City’s budget crisis – part 2

Now that the complaints regarding Baltimore City’s budget horrors are behind us, I’d like to explore some of the very realistic, very awesome and totally doable strategies that can be implemented almost immediately (as immediately as government can function), and will serve to aid in the patching of our enormous deficit, while paving the way […]

Realistic solutions for Baltimore City’s budget crisis – part 1

This is a two part rant; Part 1 is mostly complaining. If you don’t like constructive complaining, just wait for part 2! A few weeks ago after the announcement of the mayor’s proposal to levy multiple fees and fine hikes city wide in an effort to close the most catastrophic budget gap the city has […]

Update: Judge sentences criminal to watch every Orioles game

Last September, in what had seemed to be a routine reckless endangerment case, Baltimore City Circuit Court judge Sylvester B. Cox handed down a sentence to defendant Ray Ray Richards; his punishment being to watch every Orioles game for the next three seasons. Deemed “exceedingly cruel” by various human rights organizations, the sentence sent shockwaves […]

5 simple solutions for Baltimore City’s budget crisis

Baltimore’s City Council faces one of the most apocalyptic budget crises in …ever, to the tune of a $121 million shortfall. $50 million of the projected gap is expected to be paid for via a slew of fees and increased revenue grabs, many of which absolutely boggle the mind. But I say the proposed bottle […]