A few days ago, the NY Times ran a piece in their series Toxic Waters about the alarming rate of rupturing water mains in many cities across America (“Saving U.S. Water and Sewer Systems Would Be Costly,” March 14th, 2010). Baltimore is certainly no stranger to this, being one of the oldest cities in the […]
Category: Politics
City officials defer pay raise in favor of pay raise
As reported yesterday by the Sun’s Julie Scharper, City Hall officials are reviewing automatic pay raises slated to be given to them in the upcoming fiscal year, raises which generated some controversy previously when then-mayor Sheila Dixon initially refused to donate her raise to charity, as others alternatively did at the time (“City Hall pay […]
A simple case for Google Fiber or: Angry Mike hates Comcast
With all this talk about Google possibly coming to town and laying down a fiber optic network the likes of which the world hath never seen, I would make it a point to note that in doing so, Google would be making an enormous humanitarian leap in releasing the city of Baltimore from the grips […]
Common sense washes over council member, citizens afraid
Well kiss my grits and break out the fine plastic china. As reported by the Sun’s B’More Green blog, Tim Wheeler tells us this morning that Jim Kraft, long time advocate of the proposed ban on plastic bags in grocery stores has somewhat reversed his opinion and opted for a program of mutual cooperation between […]
Permits for Pub Crawls – Thoughts and Predictions
In our last episode, we covered the ins and outs of the SBNA meeting last Tuesday during which a committee member broached the idea of requiring permits in order to have a pub crawl in the city of Baltimore. And I’m sure, oh I am sure that there are some of us out there who […]
The Fort Avenue pub crawl stabbing – Backlash and fallout
In case you were not paying attention to the Baltimore area internet in the past few days, it was initially reported on Monday by Sun reporter Justin Fenton that during a pub crawl along Fort Avenue on Saturday (an overlapping pub crawl not associated with the one plugged a few days prior), an altercation broke […]