Vote for your favorite local business in MGH’s Make It Big Contest

Owings Mills based advertising company MGH is running a lil’ ol’ contest to allow you, citizen, to decide which Baltimore area business gets its own fancy pantsy billboard. Unsure if you’ve ever seen an MGH billboard? Maybe you’ve seen this one in Station North: Or possibly this five story Old Bay advert? So the contest […]

P-Funk Ticket Giveaway Winner!

Through a vast system of random number generators and throwing chicken bones on the ground and divining their meaning, our Parliament ticket giveaway at the 9:30 Club for next week comes to a close, and we have a winner: Maya P! Congrats Maya! Make your funk the P-Funk! HONORABLE MENTION: Failwhale enthusiast @RyanatMGH sent in […]

Parliament at 9:30 Club 02/11 – ticket giveaway!

You know and love George Clinton so much there’s very little logic in even explaining why you should enter this contest, but be that as it may send us an email to for your chance to win tickets to see the architect of P-Funk there the roof off in DC! Barring that if you’d […]

The “CTB gets a cover photo” non-contest – you could win (probably nothing)!

So as we / you might know by now, Facebook has decided to implement its Timeline feature for Pages, which is great for some, totally useless for others – especially us. One such bellwhistle included in Timeline is the Cover Photo*, a picture that for some reason is supposed to highlight something about something brand […]