Meteorologists predict: Baltimore average temperature down this summer

DATELINE: JULY 13TH, BALTIMORE MD – At the North American Meteorological Buddies Leadership Association (NAMBLA) meeting this past Wednesday, held annually at the Baltimore Convention Center, keynote speaker Norm Lewis delivered the “heart-warming” news: Baltimore’s average temperature this summer will actually be lower than previous summers, down from 12,000,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit to a pleasant and […]

How the hell have I never heard of Pat the Bugler?

We’ve all hear about the Roar From 34 certainly, but I’ve lived on Earth for slightly less than 37 years and I’ve never heard of the man known as Pat the Bugler from the old Memorial Stadium days. This spot produced by Evening Magazine in ’82 tells the tale of a military bugler turned superfan […]

An Adoption Story

Long time fan of CTB and SoBo resident A. Palmer, author of The Rambling Traveler, offers up her Baltimore Adoption Story. Got one of your own? Send it to and we’ll print it. I grew up as a DC kid by default, not necessarily by choice. My first 18 years of life were spent […]

The City That Chats: Jim Ross!

Dennis takes time off from covering the 2016 elections to chat with Wrestling legend Jim Ross! They discuss the drive to try new things, a little bit about Baltimore food, and JR’s upcoming Q and A session. Tickets are still available for JR’s Q and A event at Rams Head Live, including for the VIP event before […]